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Hi! guys. So how was your weekend? Mine was simply great. Had loads of fun at the party. But now its time to reveal my find, came across an amazing variety of gifts on the net for my darling grandmother. The twinkle in her eyes, the immaculate grace and simple unimpeachable smile on her lips makes me want to thank god for sending an angel from heaven in the form of my grandmother.

Here goes the special long awaited list of gifts:

  • Grandma frame – For the sweetest lady in town, a photo frame with childhood pictures of the grandkids is sure to remind her of the times when she could carry us in her arms, feed , bathe and cajole us to sleep with a quick wave of her magic wand.
  • Grandmother red glitter ornament- Topped with a festive Santa hat, a Christmas tree and a holy wreath, this ornament engraved with the sweet lady's name on it is sure to make her merry.
  • Memory book- Who said grand mom's growing old? This gift is only to keep her winning at all the quizzes we have during family reunions.
  • Grandma Afghan- Available in an array of soft colors, beautifully embroidered with a Grandma poem and her name as well, this is for keeping her warm during those chilly winter evenings while reading her favorite novel or watching television.
  • Three dimensional personal family tree frame- Looks more like a sculpture to me which can be used to display photos of all family members and serve as an artistic emblem aesthetically adorning the bedside.
  • Personalized Grandma T shirt
  • Bracelets- After all, jewelery is any woman's best friend, right?
  • Pendants
  • Mahogany wood keepsake box
  • 365 Hugs and Warm wishes- Though not exclusively meant for Christmas, this little bottle with 365 or more messages on love, hope, friendship and hugs read everyday makes a really unique surprise specially with the new year tiptoeing in.

Now the problem is, I am having difficulty deciding which one to select from this immense variety. Suggestions are most welcome. Drop in your own ideas in my comment box.
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