Well, I've been busy working on my Christmas cards with my new cricut machine.
There's soooo much to learn! I'm enjoying making these cards, but sometimes it's just a little frustrating trying to figure out how to use the different features.
Card making can also become a big expense to get started.
I took these to a craft store that we frequent to show the ladies there and to get their opinion, they think I should bring some up to the store to sell, but I'm definitely not there yet!!
Maybe next year after I have lots and lots of practice and really know what I'm doing, maybe then.
This last snowflake card was my first one, but I changed the blue button that was in the center of the snowflake, and put a sparkle gem in the center. I like that better, I just didn't have the gems when I made the card.
So, this is what I've done and hope to get many more done and to become creatively inspired as I go! Have a nice week everyone!
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