Here's a few Funny Christmas clips...Santa's Flamenco DanceMerry Christmas - Fun With SantaYou can see more funny clips here…
Here's a few Funny Christmas clips...Santa's Flamenco DanceMerry Christmas - Fun With SantaYou can see more funny clips here…
Beware - the World Wide Web is being taken over by online games!!! On Christmas, here's a few to liven up your moments...Slingshot SantaSanta Snowboards…
A lot of hearts are joined and cherished underneath the mistletoe and it all adds to the joy and fun of Christmas and the holiday season.During the early times, before technological advancements made themselves known to us, people made it a point to visit each other for company and fellowship, spec…
Christmas trees are generally triangular .Is this a law that needs to be strictly followed? Perhaps not. Christmas trees are no longer just a symbol of Christianity but a “product” in the era of todays consumerism. So, now we can put up trees whenever they are available in the market and can hang th…
Christmas Trees can be artificial or natural. For natural trees, Silver Fir, Norway Spruce, and Noble Fir and Balsam Fir, Fraser Fir, Douglas, Scots and Stone Pines are widely used in North Europe and North America. But artificial trees are more convenient and more popular as they are less expensive…
Listed below are some of the more popular Christmas tree types available around the world, collected from ChristmasTree.Org The Arizona Cypress...is a steeple shaped tree with a pale-green to gray-green color. The leaves are extremely tiny and quite plentiful. They lay close to the branchlet surfac…
In the Western world, rolls of paper with secular or religious Christmas motifs are manufactured for the purpose of wrapping gifts. Common motifs include Christmas trees, holly, poinsettias, mistletoe, swags, wreaths, Santa Claus, the Nativity, angels, carolers, nutcrackers, toy soldiers, sleighs, s…
Send This As An EcardDo you know the song “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town”? The song says, “He's making a list and checking it twice, gonna find out who’s naughty and nice. Santa Claus is coming to town.” This song tells about who's making it into the naughty or nice list! As kids, we have always…
Here are some informative facts and figures taken from US census bureau.Christmas Trees Cut for Christmas: Number of Christmas trees cut around the country in were 20.8 million .These trees were located on 21,904 farms spread out across 447,000 acres. (Source: USDA National Agricultural Statistics).…
Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer(1964):This classic made-for-TV movie premiered in 1964 and it's been delighting generations of kids ever since. Its popularity is so lasting that you can buy plush-toy versions of the characters. You probably saw this film when you were a child, but if not, it tells t…
In Germany, the St. Nicholas Day celebration of December 6 is similar to the Christmas celebrations of the English. Apart from wishing each other a ‘Froehliche Weihnachten’ or ‘Merry Christmas’, the Christmas customs and traditions of Christmas vary from one region to another in Germany. The St. Ni…
Christmas begins December 1 in Italy and the Christmas season lingers for three full weeks. Children go singing carols and reciting Christmas poems from house to house. People decorate the Christmas evergreen. In the week ahead of Christmas, the kids spruce up as shepherds, playing pipes and go from…
Christmas around the world is not the same .Every country has its own traditions and own cultural aspects This is precisely because Christmas observances are not the same throughout the world. However with the basic sense of happiness, well-being and prosperity prevailing everywhere, Christmas celeb…
The first thing that the visitor will notice is that Christmas in Spain is not as huge a commercial occasion as is the case in many other western cities.Christmas trees are common in the home but again they don't appear until the second half of December. Also in the home there intricate, miniature n…
Santa Claus (1985)Release in 1985. It was the last major fantasy film, produced by the Paris-based father-and-son production team of Alexander and Ilya Salkind. Released in North America on November 27, 1985 by Tri-Star Pictures, the film was a straightforward, nondenominational attempt to explore …
Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, Santy, or simply Santa is a gift-giving figure in various cultures who distributes presents to children, traditionally on Christmas Eve. Each name is a variation of Saint Nicholas, but refers to the Santa Claus character. The p…
The United States of America integrates different elements from different places in its Christmas celebrations. The Christmas tree tradition comes from Germany, parades from Latin America, carols from the English and Australians, Santa Claus from the Europeans and more. Apart from the general celebr…
The Christmas holiday abounds in interesting customs and traditions. Some of these Christmas customs and traditions are wholeheartedly religious, while others are secular and relaxed. Some countries also have a national flavor in their customs of Christmas. So evidently, the customs and traditions o…
In Christian countries, Christmas has become the most significant holiday of the year, economically speaking. Christmas is celebrated for a span of twelve days following December 25 in the United Kingdom. This twelve-day Christmas tradition is marked by huge celebration and feasting and ends on the …
With all the boisterous celebration of Christmas staying fine, Christmas is still observed as a chiefly religious holiday for many people across the globe. It is the time for soul-searching, spiritual renewal, silent prayers, reading out quotes from the Bible, seeking religious blessings and wishin…
Now ever wondered why Christmas is celebrated on December 25 ? Is it the day when Jesus Christ was born ? Well, nobody knows for sure exactly when Christ was born. There had been a lot of dispute over fixing December 25 as Christmas. In the 2nd century A.D, Hippolytus claimed this day as Christ's bi…
Do you know where the word ‘Christmas’ sprang from ? Christmas is derived from the words ‘Cristes Maesse’, meaning Christ's Mass. It is also sometimes referred to as Xmas. This ‘X’ in the word stands for ‘Xristos’, and means Christ in Greek. Xristos Mass is shortened to Xmas. However, this shouldn't…
The holiday of Christmas is incomplete if you miss out on the following interesting tidbits and Christmas trivia. Like all trivia, the Christmas trivia here are equally gripping.Heres a few of themThe Twelve Days of Christmas: The Twelve Days of Christmas refers to the twelve days between the Christ…
My eyes behaved lazily, taking twists and turns, as the clock struck twelve...there was light all over. It had become my usual time of getting up due to my late night shifts. Mom had opened the windows of my room allowing my sweet dream bid me goodbye and those dreamy eyes could not tolerate the bel…
Hope you remember about the Christmas party I had mentioned in my last blog . So how are your plans going ? I am sure you are going to rock all of them, but while you do all this you better not forget about the candles, which is enough to make your party the most memorable one.Whenever I look at a c…